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CHINA send money

china wechat alipay bank account transfers

Michael MANAGER avatar
Written by Michael MANAGER
Updated over a week ago

The Neema digital account allows you to send money to CHINA quickly and at extremely and with no sending fee !

You can send money to a Wechat account , an Alipay account and most bank accounts through the Union pay system.

Chinese regulation is very restrictive on who can receive a bank transfer from outside China so it is always recommended to try a smaller amount first before committing to a larger amount . Mistakes will cause funds to return to the sending account unless a beneficiary with the accont number used does in fact exist.

The monthly limit to transfer money to CHINA is $20.000.

The daily limit is $10.000.

Notice that each receiver may also have limits in either value of remittance and/or



Set up a new beneficiary and choose China> Digital Wallet> WECHAT.

WECHAT service allows transfer to wallet or to BANKS (the receiver will decide if he linked his wallet to his bank account)
Receiver telephone number: it can be a China mobile number ( 0086 + 11 digits, +86 +
11 digits ) or an international phone number from another countries
that is registered with the Wechatpay wallet.

NOTE: 9720537262XXX will cause the transfer to FAIL because of the ZERO between the international code and telephone number

The money arrives about 15 minutes after the operation.

Pay attention to the details of the beneficiary: (a) Write down the name of the beneficiary exactly as it appears in the WeChat records. usually in English. A name mistake kills the transfer.

When receiving funds for the first time from a certain sender, the beneficiary is required to confirm on WeChat the reason for receiving the funds. The request pops up to the beneficiary on WeChat or he receives an SMS. The person who receives the SMS Must choose FAMILY_SUPPORT or SALARY_PAYMENT .

Beneficiaries who have never received WeChat funds will have to complete another internal WeChat registration. This also automatically jumps to the beneficiary on WeChat (or SMS)

Video guide for customers in Chinese:

The receiver's SMS is valid 48 hours. If it is not used then the transfer is canceled and refunded automatically.

2) AliPay

1. Set up a new beneficiary and choose China> Digital Wallet> Alipay.
2. "Account number" is a phone or email number.
3. The transfer price is FREE
4. The transfer is in yuan.
5. The beneficiary must be a Chinese citizen.
6. The per-transfer limit is 6000 dollars .

It is important to understand that for the beneficiary it is about receiving money from abroad; that is not the same as receiving money between Alipay wallets - the difference is: The beneficiary needs to complete real-name authentication before being able to receive funds via Alipay.
For first-time users, if the beneficiary has not finished the real-name authentication at the time of the transaction, the transaction will be kept pending for 72 hours. After 72 hours if the authentication is not finished, the transaction will be declined and refunded to the sender.
Instructions for customers in Chinese:


1. When opening the Neema account, put 9 digits in ID number as this is used during the transfer.
2. The beneficiary can only be a Chinese citizen
3. Make sure the beneficiary has an active china union-pay account.
4. Write the beneficiary name in English in the correct spelling and order.
5. For new customers, first try a small amount before trying a big amount.
6. Customers are limited to 7000 dollars per day directly.


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