Thank you for choosing Neema for your transfer to the USA.
You will need a few items from the receiver account holder to successfully make a transfer to the USA:
You’ll need their full name, full address (we don’t accept PO boxes), bank account number, routing number (ABA or ACH),
Address note: Complete address must be in this format - House # (no dashes/special characters) Street Name, Address 2 (Apt#, Suite # etc.), City, State, (2-letter abbreviation) Zip Code
As we only support sending to an individual please include their first and last names and use only Latin characters (a-z). There’s an 18-character limit on recipient names.
Account numbers are between 4–17 digits long.
Routing numbers are 9 digits long.
What is a routing number?
In the US, banks and other financial institutions use routing numbers to identify themselves. They're made up of 9-digits, and depending on the purpose they serve, name differently:
Routing transit numbers
Check routing numbers
Fedwire numbers
ABA routing numbers.
Oftentimes a check is a good way of finding the necessary information
Transfers up to $5,000 – will have a $5 fee
Transfers of 5,000$ and above – will have a $10 fee
You can transfer up to $10.000 with Neema per day and $20.000 per month.
Delivery time is Next Day, ie on the banking day following the day on which the delivery was made. US time of course.
The transfers are made from inside the US. They will show like a domestic transfer. There is no IBAN required.