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Compliance and buffered or unknown status
Compliance and buffered or unknown status

receiving buffered status or unknown status redlist

Michael MANAGER avatar
Written by Michael MANAGER
Updated over a week ago

NEEMA is a licensed financial services operator and like any other company with a license from the government we must comply with many rules otherwise we are at risk to lose our license. If we lose our license then we are not able to provide the NEEMA service anymore...

It is important to remember that the buffered is the first status for all transafers so do not be concerned immediately if you see this status. It should change after 2 hours. If it does not then you can contact our support and we will check what is the information that the bank is asking for.

The main 2 regulations are:

1/ Know Your Customer or KYC, every customer goes through this step when first signing up to NEEMA. This is when you send us your passport or teudat zeut. We make sure your passport details are valid, accurate, and visible;


2/ Anti Money Laundering or AML, here we try to make sure that the money you are using in NEEMA is earned by you and earned legally. For example, if you are a caregiver here in Israel and you suddenly send 8000$ while your salary is 2000$ then something is not normal: did you get a pitsuim/severance package? or are you sending money for your friends? This rule forces us to make sure every customer only sends his own money.

If your friends want to use Neema show them, invite them and make 20nis! or ask them to call us 03-5174404 and we will gladly help them.

From time to time, we will be obliged to ask you uncomfortable questions, so please be patient with us while we are completing our obligations vis-a-vis the regulator.

If you see a redlist notice then it is likely a compliance problem.

As always, for more questions, you can always ask us here or call us at 03-5174404

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