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how to create a contact before you send

Gal Gabai avatar
Written by Gal Gabai
Updated over a year ago

Sending with NEEMA is done easily and quickly 🤩

After you have added money to your Nima account (by bank transfer / card deposit / cash deposit / BIT deposit), You must create a contact to send by clicking the ➕ (plus) button in the "SEND" tab.

The application will ask you to accurately fill in all the details and information required for sending (each country/form of sending will ask for relevant details)

Attention must be paid to the accuracy of all the details.

And especially in the correct spelling of the first name, last name and mobile number of the beneficiary including prefix.

You do not need to create the contact every time. Once the contact is created then you will be able to use the contact for every future transaction to that contact.

Here is the visual guide

The transfer limit per transaction is $2.000 except for USA, Canada, EUROPE and Great Britain (UK) where the limit is $5.000

The app will automatically suggest a maximum amount that is possible to send for each transfer.

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